Need a speaker for your event? 

Speakers’ role in societal transformation extends beyond appearances at events. It is about engaging in a multifaceted process with a wide variety of audiences.

Since my expertise spans beyond conventional areas, I am sought out for interventions across a variety of contexts, including change management, leadership, entrepreneurship, societal commitment and energy transition. Whatever the occasion, whether a teambuilding, an internal or external event, a board meeting, each speech will be unique.

Delivering presentations involves distilling complex societal issues, such as how to open up an organisation, into an accessible narrative.

Rather, it involves presenting thought-provoking ideas in a manner that resonates with audiences who come from diverse backgrounds, encourages critical thinking, and inspires action.

My expertise is recognized through the request to intervene in various places: conferences, universities, debate, TV/ radio programs…but also board meetings and companies internal events.  

Train yourself and your people

You have a strong sustainable strategy, you are able to build impactful societal projects, but how to ensure your employees are onboarded? In order for it to remain in the long run, practical training is needed.

With a deep expertise in change & people management, I will embed the implemented change at any level of your organisation. Based on original training methodology, inspired by Neuro-linguistic Programmation and theater techniques,  your employees will challenge their own habits and be the change you aspire.

Need a hand for any of those challenges?

Difficulty to attract and retain talents

Linking performance to wellbeing and personal development.

Leveraging on collective intelligence and internal diversity.

Changing our habits in agility.

Combining positive results with societal involvement

Together, we can build in-house designed programs